Saturday 19 November 2011

Start of New Triptych

Thursday this week I started a new painting a Triptych of a Lake Land Scene with mist on the hills. Below are a couple of poor photographs of the very early stages I am sure you get the idea.

I am away for the next couple of week but will be looking forward to coming back and working on this I am quite excited about it.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Two paintings completed

I have been back painting with my artist friends for the last few Thursdays and have manage to complete a painting I started on in 2009 if you look back through the blog you will find it so you can compare then and now. I have also finished a second painting of the Lakes, it is from a walk Anne and I had up to Easedale Tarn above Grasmere a beautiful place. On the way up the clouds were down on the hills and the atmosphere was moist this is my interpretation of that moment I hope you can feel the mist and the mood.

This is the painting I never finished from two years ago it is my wife Anne walking down a ginnell in Keswick. I am working towards an Exhibition next spring and have a few works of the Lake District I think they should hang as a series in a the show. Acrylic on canvas 460 x 605mm 

The Walk to Easedale Tarn
Acrylic on canvas 605 x460mm

Saturday 29 January 2011

My friends at the Pavilion where I go to paint on a Thursday had the idea that we should all put a subject to develop, on a piece of paper then draw one out of a hat, we would all then produce a response to that topic, we drew out "Blood". The following day a few of the group went along to an exhibition of Aubery Beardsley and some other illustrators at "The Stanley and Audrey Burton Gallery" at Leeds University. The image below is my response influenced by the exhibition and the topic of "Blood"
Posted by PicasaBlood and Beardsley